Our Services
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
― Will Durant
Who We Service

Dispensary/Retail Operations
Brick and mortar cannabis retail sales is one of the most exposed cannabis operations and it’s where consumers come to meet the cannabis industry. Inventory coverage, break-ins and robbery are always the first thought but other exposures do exist, we can help analyze for proper coverage.

This is where it all starts, the beginning often dictates the future and cultivators/nursery operations have much responsibility to provide the finished product to the whole supply chain. Whether indoor, outdoor or greenhouse grown we can cover them all including crop/plants, equipment and buildings.

Cannabis & CBD Manufacturing
Extractions, pressing, infusions, baking, labeling and packaging. Many manufacturing facets from concentrates to edibles or topicals, we can help protect every aspect in the process.

Delivery, Transport and Distribution
Whether it’s delivering to consumers at their home or transporting from business to business, regular car insurance just won’t do. Protecting against liability or product and cash while on the road, it’s available and easy with us.

Testing Labs
Screening to be allowed to sell cannabis products and to see levels of cannabis components in products is not only required but important to any operation to build a brand, as a testing lab the responsibility to ensure this is all correct is vital. Professional Liability is a crucial coverage as well as coverage for expensive testing equipment and other license required coverages, we got you covered.

Compliance Consultants, Lawyers, Doctors
You found a niche in the cannabis industry, now you’re profiting from it but does your current E&O respond for cannabis related client claims? Don’t fret, we can help with that.

Security Guards
Being contracted as a security guard involves constant vigilance to the business you are securing and patrolling, is your insurance protecting your business? Most security guard insurance policies are not keen on offering coverage if you’re involved with any cannabis operation and you can be left paying for unwanted costs if a lawsuit or claim happens.
Let’s get secured correctly today.

Landlord Insurance, Property Owner Leasing Building (LRO)
You own a building that is being leased by a cannabis business and you’re unsure if your current insurance will respond for claims, if you have to think about it more than likely it doesn’t. We shop all available insurance markets for the best rates and coverages, don’t wait till it’s too late.