Cannabis Insurance Done Right
Frequently Asked Questions
Please contact us for more detailed answers and analysis.
How Much Does Cannabis Approved Insurance Cost?
Insurance premium varies from each insurance company as each has different rating factors, primarily based on size of business operation. Costs also correlates to limits of coverages and insurance loss or claims history. You’ll benefit from our full market approach for best pricing and terms.
I just started, can I get the minimum needed and add coverages later?
It is vital for any new company to keep track of costs going out and minimize unnecessary purchases, insurance shouldn’t be any different but within reason. It is always suggested to start with the license regulation insurance requirements or anything you have invested in that will be hard to replace if lost in a fire or other situations (equipment, construction improvements etc..). A proper consultation to determine your situation is what we will do together to get you a scale-able plan.
Are these insurance companies reliable and claims pay out?
Insurance carriers we will place coverage with will never be less than “A” rated by AM’s Best Rating Agency. That means all policies will be backed by insurance carriers who possess enough financial backing to handle claims and losses. We pay close attention to policy exclusions to ensure claims get paid and we educate you on what requirements are needed to avoid denied claims.
Cannabis Insurance 101 : who needs it? why does it matter? when is it needed?
Contact Us
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Fill out the form with any questions you have about finding the coverage that’s right for you!
Phone- 661-675-5635
Monday – Friday: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 2pm
Sunday: Closed